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Titanic chip

The Titanic is a giant English steamer that was first inaugurated on March 31, 1911, from the Port of Liverpool, England, on March 24, 1912. This legendary ship sank on its first voyage from London to New York as a result of a collision with a mountain of ice at site 44 '. 41 ° N and 57 '49 ° W, the Titanic's maximum payload was estimated at 3547, but on that flight there were 2,201 passengers, of whom only 711 survived.
The flight was scheduled for 4/22014, and the drowning occurred on 14/4/1912 after it hit Mount Thuligi at 23:40 pm / 4/15/1912, and after two hours it split in half and sank completely at 2:20 pm One minute in the morning on Monday, it should be noted that the glacier that caused the Titanic strike was very small compared to the other glaciers. The Titanic survivors estimated that its height was only about 100 feet above the water. This means that the snowy mountain extends 500 feet below the surface.

General information about the Titanic

he length of the Titanic is roughly equal to the length of the Empire State Building - the captain of the ship - who had intended to retire after the first Titanic voyage. Of the 14,000 gallons of drinking water, the Titanic carried 20 lifeboats, although they were designed to carry 48 boats, to allow passengers to see the sea better, and carried 3560 life jackets. In 1912, the price of a passenger ticket on the ship was not negligible: first class: $ 4,350, second class: $ 1,750, and third class: $ 30 The ship did not carry cats on its back although it was customary to put cats on board to bring good luck. , And to control the rodents. The Titanic is designed with three chimneys, and a fourth at the end of the ship to give the ship a more powerful view. It was then used as an air outlet

The Titanic load

On board the Titanic were some food items, including: Condensed milk: 600 gallons New milk: 1,500 gallons New fish: 11,000 pounds New meat: 75,000 pounds Cereals: 10,000 pounds Coffee: 2,200 pounds Flour: 200 barrels Bacon and pork: 7,500 pounds lettuce: 7,000 head onions: 3,500 pounds orange: 180 boxes (36,000) potatoes: 40 tons new asparagus: 800 fresh butter pack: 6,000 pounds ice cream: 1,750 qts tomatoes: 2.75 tons tea: 800 pounds crepe fruit: 50 cream boxes New: 1,200 New eggs: 40,000 New green peas: 2,250 lb Sugar: 10,000 lb Teacups: 3,000 : 3,000 breakfast cups: 4,500 grapes: 1,000 pounds of spirits: 850 bottles of wine: 1,500 bottles of jams and marmalades: 1,120 pounds of lemon: 50 boxes (16,000) poultry and game: 25,000 pounds of rice, dried beans, etc.: 10,000 pounds of pancreas calves: 1,000 Stout Beer: 20,000 bottles of mineral water: 15,000 bottles of salt and dried fish: 4000 pounds sausages: 2,500 pounds asparagus tongs: 400 champagne glasses: 1,500 cocktail glasses: 1,500 large breakfast plates: 2,500 small breakfast plates: 4,500 butter dishes: 400 butter knives: 400 Flasks: 1,000 Crystal Plates: 1,500 Etched Glass: 8,000 Dessert Plates: 2,000 Dessert Spoons: 3,000 Vases Flowers: 500 Fruit Plates: 400 Fruit Forks: 1,500 Fruit Knives: 1,500 Grape Scissors: 100 Celery Cups: 300 Claret Flasks: 300 Coffee Cups: 1,500 Coffee Kettles: 1,200 Coffee Dishes: 1,500 Dinner Forks: 8,000 Dinner Plates: 12,000 Dinner Spoons: 5,000 Spoons Eggs: 2,000 Teapots : 1,200 Tea Plates: 3,000 Teaspoons: 6,000 Toasting Glasses: 400 Vegetable Plates: 400 Water Pots: 2,500 Wine Glasses: 2,010 Appetizer Plates: 1,000 Forks Thickness: 1,500 Fish Knives: 1,500 Ice Cream Plates: 5,500 Sugar Tongs: 400 Dessert Knives Countertops: 8,000 Teacups: 3,000 Dishes: 1,200 Dessert plates: 1,200 Salad pots: 500 Salts: 2,000 tablespoons Salt: 1,500 Liquor cups: 1,200 Meat dishes: 400 mustard spoons: 1,500 Hazelnut crushers: 300 Oyster thistle: 1,000 plates Fillets: 1,500 Soup Plates: 4,500 Bowls of sugar: 400 Cooker cloth: 3,500 Bath towels: 7,500 Apron: 4,000 Bed linen: 3,600 Blankets: 7,500 Folded tables: 3,000 Double sheets: 3,000 Single-layer sheets: 15,000 Tablecloths: 6,000 Tablecloths: 45,000 Miscellaneous Materials: 40,000 Eider Feather Quilts: 800 Thin Towels: 25,000 Glass Cloth: 2,000 Toilet Towels: 8,000 Store Towels: 6,500 Pillows: 15,000 Rolling Towels: 3,500
